安徽省蚌埠市金龙工艺玻璃有限公司,是具有生产建筑及工艺玻璃技术底蕴雄厚的企业,位于安徽省蚌埠市高新开发区山香工业园。以生产制造工艺玻璃、建筑玻璃为主要产品,产品类型广泛,工艺精湛,外形美观,其主要有:工艺热熔系列玻璃;精彩玻璃系列;工艺镜系列;夹胶玻璃系列;深雕玻璃系列;玻璃马赛克系列、凹版玻璃系列;工艺饰品玻璃等十几种系列产品。“金龙牌”工艺玻璃产品,利用玻璃独具晶莹剔透的特性,充分采用大自然艳丽悦目的多元化色彩,经过生产工艺处理,可将玻璃加工成形态各异、个性化、抽象化、实用性较强,精彩斑斓、五光十色浑厚的立体视觉产品。该产品无污染放射元素,对人体健康无害、能防水、防火、抗腐蚀、不退色、不变形,符合环保要求的绿色产品。企业以良好的环境和管理理念造就了金龙人“持续奋斗 百折不挠”的创业精神,以“和谐务实 高效创新”的工作作风,“服务于大众 造福于人类”, 为改善人类生活质量,加快社会进步,美化秀丽的生活环境蓝图而贡献力量。
Jinlong Arts and Crafts Glass Co., Ltd of Bengbu Anhui Province is a new glass deep processing establishment originating under the market economy and offers the customers the satisfactory and exquisite products in compliance to meet their different demands with the unique technology of both Chinese tradition and world features.
Jinlong Arts and Crafts Glass Co., Ltd, located at Xiangshan Industrial Park of High/new Tech Development Zone of Bengbu Anhui is a maker with rich experience and technology in making glass products for construction and decoration. Its business scope ranges mainly construction and decorative glass of diversified varieties, unique workmanship and delicate outer appearance in terms of decorative melting glass series, color glass series, decorative mirrors series, bonding glass series, deep carved glass series, glass mosaic series, intaglio glass series and arts and craft glass etc. The glass is elaborated into glass decorations of diverse shapes, individuality, abstraction and more practicality and multifarious and multicolored tridimensional visual elaborations – the arts and crafts products of Jinlong brand with the glass nature of glittering and crystal-clear, by full use of its diversified natural voluptuous colors. They are green outputs of pollution free, innoxious, water proof, anti-fire, erosion resistance, fast color and non-deformation. Jinlong fosters its enterprise spirit as “keeping struggle and facing bravely the hardships” with the satisfied circumstances and managing concept and “serve the people and benefit the society” with its motto of “harmony, pragmatic-ness, efficiency and creation” to contribute to better people life, quick social progress and beautiful living surroundings.
In order to open up further the market, we Jinlong people welcome the orders and cooperation from friends both home and aboard with our top quality and perfect services.
1、企业宗旨:服务于大众 造福于人类 。 为改善人类生活质量,加快社会进步,美化秀丽的生活环境蓝图而贡献力量。
2、企业愿景:铸市场名牌 建百年企业。
4、经营理念:持续创新 领变市场。市场竞争日趋激烈,企业要长盛不衰,并实现共同愿景,就要不断创造新需求,成为市场的先导者。
5、企业精神:回报社会 追求超越。为发展民族产业而不断追求。
6、企业价值观:运营企业 把握人生。在金龙玻璃事业发展的同时,实现自我价值。
7、企业作风:和谐务实 高效创新。追求在和谐的环境下,高效发展金龙玻璃事业。
8、道德观念:诚信求实 忠诚于企业。每位员工要树立起与金龙玻璃事业共发展的观念,敬业、爱岗、实事求是。
9、团队意识:一家人 一桌饭 一条心 一股劲。人人全身心地投入到金龙玻璃企业的建设之中,在发展企业的同时,员工将会取得更大的成功。
10、人本观念:以人为本 共创新辉煌。公司关爱人,尊重人,共同推进金龙玻璃事业
2006/6/9 15:24:11
2006/7/9 15:24:11